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Canada’s Luckiest Baby 2: The Big Reveal

Congratulations to the Koetsier Family! Last month, alongside our partners at the Parent Life Network, we got to surprise Leah Koetsier, winner of Canada’s Luckiest Baby 2, with a $10,000 RESP and a free cord blood collection kit. But that’s not all! A Day of...
Discovery by Canadian Scientists, Big News for Cord Blood

Discovery by Canadian Scientists, Big News for Cord Blood

Earlier this year, a group of Montreal-based scientists, headed by Dr. Guy Sauvageau, discovered a new molecule known as UM171 that may prove to change the face of transplants using stem cells taken from umbilical cord blood. Named one of the discoveries of the year...
Delayed Cord Clamping or Cord Blood Banking?

Delayed Cord Clamping or Cord Blood Banking?

Becoming a parent is overwhelming. With so much information being thrown your way, it can be hard to know which choices will best serve your family in years to come. Amidst the excitement of choosing baby names and nursery colours, there are a number of important...

Searching for Peace of Mind: One Couple’s Decision to Cord Blood Bank

Welcoming a child into the world is celebrated, by most couples, as one of the happiest times of their lives. In preparation for the arrival of a beautiful little baby, first time expecting moms and dads-to-be have a lot on their mind, and often wonder the decisions...

Cells for Life Scientific Director Discusses Cord Blood Banking

Elisabeth Semple, Scientific Director with Cells for Life, has been working with cord blood since the mid 90s. Considering the first cord blood transplant took place in Paris in 1988, it’s fair to say Elisabeth has followed the evolution of cord blood banking closely...
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