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As a founding member of the Cord Blood Association, we’re committed to providing expecting parents with every resource available to better understand the science behind cord blood.

We truly believe that informing moms- and dads-to-be of the discoveries and breakthroughs in cord blood is our responsibility and fully support the CBA in their mission to promote the work of the cord blood community for the purpose of saving lives, improving health and changing medicine.

Information for Expecting Parents

In order to ensure that research, update and developments in cord blood are accessible to everyone, the CBA has recently launched an educational page on their website specifically for expecting parents!

Here you’ll learn everything you need to know about cord blood, including the benefits of storing cord blood, all about the collection process, and lots of information about your options to store privately or make a donation through a public blood bank like Victoria Angel Public Cord Blood Bank.

Take a tour around the new page today and let us know what you think!

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