Partners and Accreditation
Why is accreditation important to you?
AABB accreditation assures doctors that the cord blood sample has met the highest quality standards. AABB accreditation is voluntary and not mandatory, but Cells for Life has obtained AABB accreditation to demonstrate our commitment to quality.

Association for the Advancement of Blood & Biotherapies
Cells for Life is AABB Accredited and has maintained accreditation status since August 2006.
Receiving a cord blood unit from a cellular therapy organization within this prestigious community of AABB-accredited organizations will ensure clients that they are in good hands.

Health Canada Inspected and Compliant
All Canadian cord blood banks must comply with the Safety of Human Cells, Tissues and Organs for Transplantation Regulations and the Canadian Standard Association's standards for Cells, Tissues and Organs.
The Regulations and Standards address safety in the processing and handling of these products, resulting in improved protection of the health and safety of Canadian transplant recipients. The purpose of this regulatory initiative is to minimize the potential health risks to Canadian recipients of human cells, tissues and organs.

FDA Registered
Establishments that perform any of the manufacturing steps for cord blood must register with FDA should the cord blood units ever be used in the USA. If any of our clients should decide to be treated in the US, Cells for Life has already taken the necessary steps.
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Cells For Life
Contact Us
Mon – Fri: 9am – 5pm
Fax: 905.472.2185
Toll Free: 1.877.235.1997