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Earlier this year, a group of Montreal-based scientists, headed by Dr. Guy Sauvageau, discovered a new molecule known as UM171 that may prove to change the face of transplants using stem cells taken from umbilical cord blood.

Named one of the discoveries of the year for 2014 by Quebec Science, UM171 has the potential to multiple by 10 the number of cord blood units available for transplants in humans.

Not only could the molecule be used in the treatment of blood-related illnesses like leukemia and lymphoma, it may also reduce the complications associated with transplants.

The discovery made by Dr. Guy Sauvageau and his team at the Molecular Genetics of Stem Cells research unit at the Institute for Research in Immunology and Cancer (IRIC) is an exciting achievement for Canada’s scientific and medical communities.

Cells for Life will be following developments closely and await clinical data to confirm whether or not UM171 will in fact make a difference for transplantation.

Read more about the discovery on the IRIC website.

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