Many parents looking to bank their child’s cord blood stem cells with Cells for Life want to know whether the units will still be viable by the time their child is grown. The maximum storage time for cord blood stem cells is a moving target. In fact, most cord blood...
Clinical trials around the world are testing the safety and efficacy of using cord blood to treat cerebral palsy. CP describes a condition characterized by impaired muscle coordination caused by damage to the brain during development. Children with CP have been found...
A revolutionary technique has opened up new doors for the use of cord blood stem cells as a potential cure for cancer. Medical researchers have long examined the use of cord blood transplants as a method for treating leukemia and other blood diseases. Fred Hutchinson...
Expectant parents face a lot of medical jargon when researching various topics associated with pregnancy. In today’s era, when a simple search on the Internet leads to an overwhelming amount of conflicting information, it’s important to understand what exactly you’re...