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Summer is finally here. That means warm weather, trips to the cottage and a national event you may not know about – Cord Blood Awareness Month!

The month of July is dedicated to raising awareness about the benefits of cord blood. Whether you’re expecting a bundle of joy, or considering an addition to your family in the future, it’s important that every parent-to-be know their options.

Cord blood banking and cord tissue storage can go a long way to safe guarding your baby’s and family’s health.

Both cord blood and tissue come from a baby’s umbilical cord. After birth the umbilical cord is often discarded, and with it, several medical benefits. Instead of turning these cells into medical waste, cord banking preserves them for potential use by the child, sibling or an immediate family member.

Cord blood stem cells routinely treat over 80 diseases, including blood cancers, immune diseases and bone marrow failure. Cord tissue also contains cells that can treat conditions such as arthritis, diabetes, as well as wound care and spinal cord injury.

As an investment in your family’s future, the benefits of cord banking are countless!

Cells for Life wants to ensure that Canada’s number one choice for cord banking is affordable for everyone. We’ve done our very best to help you save, while maintaining our rigorous standards. We offer gift cards (perfect for baby showers!) and a generous referral program for both new and existing clients.

Remember, cord blood cells can only be collected at birth, so it’s important to plan ahead.

Still have questions? We’re here to help! We encourage you to learn more about the life-saving properties of cord blood by speaking with a registered nurse at an information session in your community, or by attending an online webinar.

Cells for Life are your experts when it comes to cord blood banking and cord tissue storage. Consider the advantages, and invest in the future of your family, today!


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