Discovery by Canadian Scientists, Big News for Cord Blood
Earlier this year, a group of Montreal-based scientists, headed by Dr. Guy Sauvageau, discovered a new molecule known as UM171 that may prove to change the face of transplants using stem cells taken from umbilical cord blood. Named one of the discoveries of the year...
Delayed Cord Clamping or Cord Blood Banking?
Becoming a parent is overwhelming. With so much information being thrown your way, it can be hard to know which choices will best serve your family in years to come. Amidst the excitement of choosing baby names and nursery colours, there are a number of important...
Searching for Peace of Mind: One Couple’s Decision to Cord Blood Bank
Welcoming a child into the world is celebrated, by most couples, as one of the happiest times of their lives. In preparation for the arrival of a beautiful little baby, first time expecting moms and dads-to-be have a lot on their mind, and often wonder the decisions...
Cells for Life Scientific Director Discusses Cord Blood Banking
Elisabeth Semple, Scientific Director with Cells for Life, has been working with cord blood since the mid 90s. Considering the first cord blood transplant took place in Paris in 1988, it’s fair to say Elisabeth has followed the evolution of cord blood banking closely...
The Benefits of Joining a Prenatal Class
If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the idea of caring for a newborn, or unsure about your options in the delivery room, there’s no need to panic - you’re not alone. Uncertainty is a normal part of pregnancy, and parenthood. Fortunately, prenatal classes were designed...
Cord Blood Banking | To Bank or Not to Bank?
Why one Toronto couple with two children (and one on the way) decided to bank each of their baby’s cord blood. We recently sat down with Vini and Steve D’Sa, proud parents of two beautiful children, with a third on the way. The D’Sa family banked both of their...
Cryo-Preserving Your Baby’s Cord Blood Stem Cells
We know the umbilical cord is a rich source of stem cells. By cryo-preserving your baby’s stem cell sample, Cells for Life guarantees the highest quality of service in cord blood banking. Cord blood stem cells are obtained from the blood remaining in the...
Canada’s Luckiest Baby Winner Revealed!
On Sunday, October 26th, Parent Life Network, Cells for Life and fellow sponsors of Canada’s Luckiest Baby joined in Newcastle, Ontario to surprise the Rowley family. There was no way the grey skies and chilling wind were putting a damper on the day for Kristine and...
Canada’s Luckiest Baby and Cord Blood Banking
There are only two weeks left to sign up for the chance to win life-changing prizes for your family. All parents want to protect their baby’s future. Cells for Life and Canada’s Luckiest Baby are here to help. Canada’s Luckiest Baby is coming to a close. But it’s...
Childhood Cancer Awareness Month
Childhood cancer is relatively uncommon. However, it remains the most common disease-related cause of death – more than asthma, diabetes, cystic fibrosis and AIDS combined. It is second only to injury-related deaths among Canadian children.” ~ Canadian Cancer Society...
Stroke patients doing well after experimental stem cell infusions
Stem cell treatments may help heal stroke-damaged areas of the brain by stimulating the growth of blood vessels, according to results of a clinical trial by researchers at Imperial CollegeLondon. A type of stem cell known as CD34+ was infused into the brains of five...
Prenatal Classes and Other Important Pregnancy Checklist Items
When pregnant, the task of preparing for your new baby can seem daunting. At Cells for Life, we advocate organization and pre-planning as a means to reduce stress and ensure that all aspects of your baby’s health are being considered. Though a very exciting time,...
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