As a founding member of the Cord Blood Association, we’re committed to providing expecting parents with every resource available to better understand the science behind cord blood. We truly believe that informing moms- and dads-to-be of the discoveries and...
Imagine you could protect your family today, from the uncertainty of tomorrow. What would you do? The Healing Power of Cord Banking When a baby is born, the blood found in their umbilical cord is often discarded as medical waste. This blood contains healing stem cells...
In 1988, Matthew Farrow, of North Carolina, became the first person to ever receive a transplant using umbilical cord blood. At the time, Matthew was 5 years old and living with Fanconi anemia, a rare, inherited blood disorder that leads to bone marrow failure[1]....
Recently, an article was published by CTV and other news agencies telling the story of Nolan, a young boy whose life was saved thanks to a cord blood donation his mom made four years earlier at Hema-Quebec Public Cord Blood Bank, located in Montreal. Nolan had been...
As the leading cord blood bank in Canada, Cells for Life is proud to announce its role as a founding member of the Cord Blood Association. The Cord Blood Association, or the CBA, is a non-profit organization that “promotes the work of the cord blood community for the...
Congratulations! You’re going to be a parent. The next 9-months will be spent worrying about what to eat and what not to eat; making decisions about using “cloth” versus “disposable” diapers; and basking in the anticipation of more joy than you can possibly know what...