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Imagine you could protect your family today, from the uncertainty of tomorrow. What would you do?

The Healing Power of Cord Banking

When a baby is born, the blood found in their umbilical cord is often discarded as medical waste.

This blood contains healing stem cells that today is used to treat over 80 diseases, including blood cancers, immune diseases and bone marrow failure. When stored, these life-saving cord blood stem cells are preserved for 18+ years, and are made readily accessible for use by siblings, the child itself, or an immediate family member at any point.

The umbilical cord tissue itself contains cells that can maximize future possibilities to treat additional conditions such as arthritis, diabetes, wound care and spinal cord injury.

The Gift of Cord Banking

Preparing for life with baby can get pricey. From the essentials like diapers, wipes, and minion size clothing (that they insist on growing out of) to the non-essentials designed to make mum and dad’s life just a little bit easier (like baby swings, diaper bags, and carriers), the expenses quickly add up.

While we’re working hard to ensure that cord banking is affordable to everyone, we know how far a helping hand can go in making the choice to bank, or not to bank baby’s umbilical cord blood. That’s why throughout the year, we offer cord banking gift cards; a great gift for baby showers, and perfect for the holidays.

Whether you’re a grandparent, aunt, uncle, cousin, or a family friend, contributing to cord banking is a gift that shows just how much you care. Together, we can ensure that the special memories you make now can be recreated for years to come.

Cord banking isn’t something you can decide to do, anytime. As an expecting parent, you have one chance to bank your and that is at the birth of the baby. Help someone you know afford a lifeline that lasts a lifetime, and give the gift of cord banking.

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