What is Cord Tissue?
Cord Tissue will Maximize Future Possibilities
What is Cord Tissue?
Cord tissue is the actual umbilical cord.
Cord Tissue contains mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) which are different from the stem cells found in Cord Blood.*
In the future, MSCs may enhance cord blood transplants and treat additional conditions.
Difference between Cord Blood and Cord Tissue
Cord Blood
Proven possibilities:
Cord Blood stem cells are routinely used to treat over 80 diseases.
Cord Tissue
Maximize future possibilities:
MSCs may treat additional conditions and are being evaluated in numerous clinical trials for: joints and bones (Arthritis), autoimmune (Diabetes), wound care and spinal cord injury.* Clinical uses of MSCs from cord tissue are promising but in the early stages of development.

How it works:
Some diseases affect the body’s ability to create blood forming cells which are needed to live. A Cord Blood transplant replaces unhealthy blood forming cells with healthy cells. Cord blood stem cells are used to re-build our bone marrow and immune system after receiving chemotherapy. Cord blood is also being used in clinical trials for regenerative medicine, Cerebral Palsy and brain injury as an example.
How it works:
MSCs can go to the site of inflammation, inhibit inflammation, stimulate recovery of injured cells, differentiate into various cell types (including: bone, cartilage, and muscles) and can modify or regulate immune functions.*
How is Cord Tissue collected?
After the baby is born and it is determined that both mother and baby are safe and healthy the cord blood will be collected.
It will then be sent back to Cells for Life for processing and storage.
After the baby is born Following cord blood collection, and after the placenta is expelled the doctor will cut a section of the cord (15-20 cm) and place it into the container supplied by Cells for Life.and it is determined that both mother and baby are safe and healthy the cord blood will be collected.
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