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As a parent, or soon-to-be parent #WhatMattersMost when it comes to your child? Chances are that their health and happiness would top your list. That’s where the benefits of cord blood and cord tissue banking come in! It’s peace of mind for your child and their future, because ensuring their health is truly what matters most.

“Cells for Life helped us to save our little girl” ~ The Nuciforas

Here’s what Cells for Life customers had to say about why they chose to bank their baby’s cord blood and cord tissue, as well as some life-saving experiences:

The Nucifora Family

The youngest daughter of the family, Emma, was diagnosed at the age of two with Myelodysplastia. This rare disorder affects the bone marrow and prevents it from producing enough healthy blood cells. Thankfully, the family had been banking their children’s cord blood and were able to use another daughter’s cord blood to treat her sister. “When we told the doctors that we had stored Olivia’s cord blood they got a big smile on their face, because it’s the best procedure that Emma could have.” Doctors attribute speedy recover to the cord blood stem cells she received.

Tera and Jeff Peel

Having banked the cord blood and tissue of their firstborn, “it’s a security blanket you hope you never have to use.”

Dawne Sullivan:

When discussing whether or not to bank with Cells for Life, “we both thought, when we talked about it, that there was no better insurance policy.” And on the financial commitment, “it’s definitely not expensive endeavour. The annual fees are very cheap and you would spend the money on your children’s wardrobe or new furniture for their room, so definitely I would spend it on their health.”

Kevin and Jamie Gamble:

Pregnant with their first child, Kevin read about the healing benefits of cord blood stem cells, and was convinced that cord blood banking was the right choice his growing family. A Cells for Life information session was all his wife, Jamie, needed to know that “It’s a good insurance policy. If something does happen to me, or his new brother or sister, than we have this option.” “The cost was a little prohibitive at the time, but it wasn’t prohibitive enough that we weren’t going to find it one way or another,” recalls Kevin. What do these parent have to say to those who are still deciding whether or not to bank? “If you’re sitting on the fence about it, figure out a way to make it happen.”

Steve D’Sa

On saving his children’s cord blood and its future potential, “We took so long to get pregnant and have a baby and the last thing we wanted to do was put that child’s life in danger. If there’s anything you can do to protect that child, you’re going to do it.”


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