“Cells for Life helped us save our little girl
Cord blood is the blood left in the umbilical cord and placenta immediately after your baby is born. It can be collected, stored and used to treat a wide variety of diseases and medical conditions.
See how cord blood saves lives
More client testimonials
I was infused with my daughter’s umbilical cord blood and we just waited every day for the blood to multiply or for my bone marrow to rebuild. The transplant was a cure and I’m now in remission because my bone marrow was replaced with my daughter’s stem cells, which produced a whole new bone marrow. She saved my life!
It’s a good insurance policy. If something does happen to me, or his new brother or sister, than we have this option.
We took so long to get pregnant and have a baby and the last thing we wanted to do was put that child’s life in danger. If there’s anything you can do to protect that child, you’re going to do it.
Stories from the Blog
CooperSurgical® expands the Newborn Possibilities Program® to facilitate research for congenital heart defects
Over the past several decades, significant medical advancements have extended the lifespan and improved the quality of life for children with complex congenital heart defects (CHDs).1 Despite this progress, many cardiac patients who receive prosthetic devices such as...
“With the help of newborn stem cells stored, I redefine my limits every day.”
Hunter Moore’s favorite phrase to hear may just be, “You can’t do that.” To him, it’s just further fuel for defying the odds. Still in high school and already a champion bodybuilder with over 93,000 Instagram followers, this teen has overcome incredible obstacles to...
Smart cells. Powerful possibilities. Cord Blood Awareness Month 2024
Cord Blood Awareness Month 2024 (#CBAM2024) is especially meaningful for the team here at Cells for Life. This year marks the 50th anniversary of cord blood being identified as a source of stem cells.1 It’s a discovery that over the past five decades has led to the...
Cells For Life
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