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Delayed Clamping and Cord Blood Collection – You Can Do Both!

Delayed Clamping and Cord Blood Collection – You Can Do Both!

As specialists in cord banking, we get a lot of expecting parents asking us whether or not you can safely delay the clamping of the umbilical cord if you plan on storing your baby’s cord blood. The answer is a resounding yes! Not only is it safe, but choosing to both...
Five Ultimate Pregnancy Hacks

Five Ultimate Pregnancy Hacks

From folic acid and stretch mark cream to body pillows and late night snacks, when you’re expecting, you have to expect to budget for more than just baby. Pregnancy can get pricey, but there are ways to reduce costs so you have more money to spend where it really...
Pregnancy Etiquette 101

Pregnancy Etiquette 101

Being pregnant is a miracle, truly. For nine months, moms-to-be enjoy the feeling of something beautiful growing inside them. That, and the odd wave of nausea, seriously sensitive bladders, the occasional backache and hormones that have you laughing one minute, and...
Budgeting For Baby

Budgeting For Baby

Yes, having kids will cost you money, but choosing to reproduce doesn’t have to break the bank. With 9 months to go, you’ve got plenty of time to make a plan and get your finances in order. To get you on the right track, here are some top tips on what to expect and...
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