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Double Cord Blood Transplants

For 25 years, cord blood transplants have been saving the lives of those afflicted with devastating diseases. While cord blood is most commonly used to treat blood disorders and to replenish the bone marrow, clinical trials show that cord blood transplants may also be...

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Canada’s Luckiest Baby and Cells for Life

Cells for Life is thrilled to be partnering with Canada’s Luckiest Baby! Whether you are pregnant, a parent or a family member of a child under three, you can sign up to win an incredible grand prize and the title of Canada’s Luckiest Baby.    How should you get...

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Cells for Life Celebrates Cord Blood Awareness Month

July is National Cord Blood Awareness Month, presenting an opportunity for families around the world to learn about the benefits of cord blood banking. The month-long campaign promoted by hospitals and organizations is dedicated to raising awareness and encouraging...

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Understanding The Umbilical Cord

During pregnancy, the umbilical cord forms as a connection between mother and baby to supply the fetus with everything it needs to grow. Immediately after birth, the umbilical cord offers one more opportunity to give life. Here we look at the physiology and function...

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How Long Can Cord Blood Stem Cells Be Stored?

Many parents looking to bank their child’s cord blood stem cells with Cells for Life want to know whether the units will still be viable by the time their child is grown. The maximum storage time for cord blood stem cells is a moving target. In fact, most cord blood...

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Financial Support for Medical Need: The “Angel” Program

Patricia Durante was 26 weeks pregnant when she was diagnosed with leukemia. “It was the worst day of my life,” Patricia says. “We were planning a family and beginning our lives together and it just felt like the end was near.” At 31 weeks of pregnancy, Patricia...

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What are The Odds of Using Your Baby’s Cord Blood?

One of the many questions we are asked by expectant parents who are considering banking their baby’s cord blood is: what are the odds of needing a cord blood transplant in the future? In order to answer this question, we must consider not only the types of treatments...

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A Closer Look at HLA Matching

Unlike those of bone marrow and peripheral blood stem cells, cord blood stem cell transplants do not require an exact HLA match. This is because cord blood stem cells are more primitive and adaptable cells. What this means is that it is easier and faster to find a...

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Worldwide Cord Blood Trends: How Does Canada Compare?

We recently blogged about the potential of umbilical cord blood banking – touching on the exciting changes that have occurred over the last 25 years, and what we can look forward to in years to come. What’s even more fascinating is tracking these trends from a...

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The Potential of Umbilical Cord Blood Banking: Then and Now

The year of 2013 marks the 25th anniversary of the first cord blood transplant. The transplant was performed in Paris on October 6, 1988. Since that time, over 600,000 cord blood units have been collected and stored in more than 100 public cord blood banks worldwide....

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