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The year of 2013 marks the 25th anniversary of the first cord blood transplant. The transplant was performed in Paris on October 6, 1988. Since that time, over 600,000 cord blood units have been collected and stored in more than 100 public cord blood banks worldwide.15844543_s

The field of umbilical cord blood transplants (UCBT) has matured considerably over the last 25 years. Over 30,000 UCBTs have now been performed. Today, transplant physicians around the world use cord blood stem cells routinely to treat a wide-range of diseases, including: leukaemia, lymphoma, sickle cell anaemia, thallasaemia, immune system disorders, inborn metabolic errors, and following chemotherapy for cancer.

Increased Awareness Brings Positive Change

Many positive changes have occurred in the field of cord blood stem cells over the last five to ten years. The use of cord blood stem cells has amplified due to the following:

–       Increased number of available cord blood units

–       Increased experience in cord blood use

–       Education of physicians in cord blood use

–       Increased number of published studies showing positive clinical results

–       Increased opportunities for sharing experiences, data and procedures through international conferences, publications and professional organizations

Future Potential of UCB Stem Cells

There are many anecdotal reports circulating about the success in treating diseases with stem cells. It is important to realize that it may take a long time before many of these treatments can be used clinically.

Clinical trials are currently underway for:

  • Hypoxic Brain Injury/Cerebral Palsy
  • Type 1 diabetes
  • Congenital heart defects
  • Acquired hearing loss in children
  • Critical limb ischemia

Disease and conditions still in research stage:

  • Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Liver Disease
  • Spinal Muscular Atrophy
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • ALS

Cord blood stem cells are too precious to waste: save or donate. Contact Cells for Life today to learn more.

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