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Pregnancy Etiquette 101

Being pregnant is a miracle, truly. For nine months, moms-to-be enjoy the feeling of something beautiful growing inside them. That, and the odd wave of nausea, seriously sensitive bladders, the occasional backache and hormones that have you laughing one minute, and...

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Budgeting For Baby

Yes, having kids will cost you money, but choosing to reproduce doesn’t have to break the bank. With 9 months to go, you’ve got plenty of time to make a plan and get your finances in order. To get you on the right track, here are some top tips on what to expect and...

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Cord Blood Awareness Month

July is Cord Blood Awareness month! Learn more about how cord blood banking and cord tissue storage can go a long way to safe guarding your baby’s and family’s health.

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10 Outdoor Activities to Enjoy with Your Baby this Summer

Chances are, you’ve never truly experienced cabin fever until you’ve spent a winter indoors with a newborn. But now that fewer layers are in order, it’s easier to get outside on a regular basis. Getting outdoors benefits both babies and moms; fresh air and exercise...

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Improved Sickle Cell Anemia Treatment Using Stem Cells

Seven boys and two girls have been cured of sickle cell anemia thanks to an improved treatment pioneered by the Alberta Children’s Hospital! Historically, sickle cell anemia has required a high-risk treatment plan leading up to a stem cell transplant. For many...

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Nathan Mumford: Three-time Cancer Survivor Saved by Cord Blood

Nathan Mumford, whose story was recently shared via the Save the Cord Foundation, is a 3-time cancer survivor and umbilical cord blood transplant recipient. Diagnosed at age 8 with Hodgkin’s disease, Nathan was given a 40% chance of survival if he underwent rigorous...

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CBA Launches Cord Blood Page for Expecting Parents

As a founding member of the Cord Blood Association, we’re committed to providing expecting parents with every resource available to better understand the science behind cord blood. We truly believe that informing moms- and dads-to-be of the discoveries and...

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